2008年5月3日 星期六


Stay close to the teacher and teaching that resonate with you. Unlearn to learn, step into the Grace of the Guru, surrender and trust the teaching. Let go and fall into the river of spirit and energy.

-Stephen Thomas


春天是綻放曙光和新生命的季節,這時節帶來無限可能性、希望和夢想的生機,也正是在這個時候,我生命中重要的老師出現了,而我清醒舒服的行走在自然適合我的法性上。當我聽著 Stephen 說出上面的一段話時,我知道我回到了家,不需再往他處尋尋覓覓,因為當我準備好敞開學習的心,所有的教學便一一隨之而來。我很開心這份親近心靈恩典的到來,透過呼吸法、梵唱、瑜珈經學說、以及阿育吠陀養生學、基礎體位法、潔淨法、冥想的練習,將愛、慈悲和古老的智慧融合為一。

在TT 第一日,一整天喜悅的漣漪朵朵在心裡漾起,感受到自己再自然不過的完整存在於學習裡,打從深刻的內在覺得光亮溫暖,與自己的神性和超出本我之外的神聖能量連結。穩穩扎根在生命的呼吸裡,跟真實合而為一是如此的美麗。隨著一天天的學習和體會,知識像花瓣般一層層的從中心展開、疊起。從這次的培訓中我獲得一個珍貴的領悟,那就是帶著柔和的心練習,柔和在仁慈、尊重、不批判。將意念臣服於善,讓內在的老師引導方向。 信任、愛、呼吸到心的中央,放開自我、讓靈性闊展開來。持續不間斷的練習,因為用心付出的心力是不會消失的。

深深感謝太陽神 Surya、創造與毀滅之神 Shiva、大地之母 Parvati 、知識女神 Sarasvati 、守護之神 Vishnu、除障象神 Ganesha、火神 Agni 和風神之子 Hanuman,祂們所指引的光;也誠摯的向延續傳承古典教學的老師的老師們致敬。非常謝謝 Stephen,我們敬愛的導師,謝謝妳乃珍、Rachel、Judy、Michelle 和每一位親愛的TT靈性摯友美好的存在,多得我們一起創造如此充滿愛的美麗印記。我想要祝福大家源源不絕的愛與靈感,真摯希望我們能帶著光亮與所有的人分享我們自學習中獲得的禮物。

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You

OM Love
OM a Hum


Beautiful Samskara

Stay close to the teacher and teaching that resonate with you. Unlearn to learn, step into the Grace of the Guru, surrender and trust the teaching. Let go and fall into the river of spirit and energy.

-Stephen Thomas

Spring is a time of birth and breath of new light, of possibilities, of hope, of dreams to come. It is during this time I awakened to be in the presence of the Guru, awakened in my Dharma. When I heard the passage above from Stephen, I realized that I am home. I need not seek further because the teaching has come when I am ready to embrace it openly. I feel so honored, so happy and blessed to find the teaching that I long to feel close to, the integration of love, compassion and ancient wisdom in the form of Pranayamas, Mantras and Sutras in addition to Ayurveda, fundamental Asanas, cleansing Kriyas and Meditation.

On Day 1 of TT, I felt ripples of happiness all throughout the day, finding myself present and whole in the learning, being where I am naturally meant to be and I felt such shine and warmth from the inner core of my being, feeling connected to Shakti, the divine energy that’s inside and beyond myself. How beautiful it is to feel one with Truth, rooting to the very breath of Life. As the Days progressed, the experiences unfolded and layered on beautifully. One precious understanding I gained in this training is to soften heart in practice, be soft in kindness, respect and non-judging. To surrender the mind and let the inner Guru guide the way. To love, trust and breathe into the center core, liberate self to expand in expression. To keep to practicing for no efforts will ever be lost.

My deepest appreciations to Surya, Shiva, Parvati, Sarasvati, Vishnu, Ganesha, Agni and Hanuman for their guiding light, utmost homage to Guru’s Gurus, to the classical lineage of teaching and learning. Thank you so much Stephen, our dear beloved mentor, thank you Naichin, Rachel, Judy, Michelle and every beautiful spiritual sibling in TT for being you, cultivating our loving Samskara together. I want to wish you love and inspirations, may we glow in sharing our gifts with all.

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You

OM Love
OM a Hum


Attuning to Shakti

The energy in between
that is what i am learning to attune to
in it, there's no seperation
but the pure essence of being
in perfect balance and harmony
having shed ego...one humbles with expansion.

Letter on Karma Yoga Trip

Dear Yogis and Yoginis,

10/9-10/16 瑜珈生活 Yoga Living 將帶領一團瑜珈朋友前往高棉吳哥窟作 Karma Yoga 善事瑜珈之旅,所有旅費包括學費將全數捐給當地的一所孤兒院, 受難少女康復中心(曾被迫為雛妓的少女療癒中心) 和支持贊助一位年輕的加拿大女老師持續教這些女孩們瑜珈. John 洪光明安排了這個活動,希望能拋磚引玉聚集大家的心意和力量付諸行動. 在這行程裡,除了每天早課瑜珈練習,我們也將前往參觀吳哥窟,國立博物館,地雷博物館,美術館,數處古老的廟寺,蘇聯市集,瓷器市集,大象露台,監獄,皇宮,孤兒院,受難少女康復中心.也會去John 特別推薦的Cafe 和餐廳用餐. John很用心的編排了八堂行程前吳哥窟藝術歷史介紹課程.有興趣多了解的人可以上去 http://www.johnsyogaliving.com 看看相關訊息 或 致電 8773-1640 詢問. Peace


As with all ways of creation in art, in music
whether it be singing, making melody, making rhythm, humming
it is the 'language', the mother tongue

In life and rhythm, there is no boundaries.

"No religion, no cast, no colors. One, wa are all human beings."
- 1 Giant Leap

Surrender to the beat, the pulsation of nature
the internal sensation of joy and be open to the full embrace.
Dare to love,
to dream,
to Be,
to become.

Dare to celebrate living, liberating minds, setting hearts free
to soar in the Divine, the Divine that exist within you, with in me,
within all the surrounding and beyond.

Be one with shining heart, clarity of light
Smile to the rhythm of life :-)

The Little Bird, my teacher

23 Days of Yoga TT 3/29-4/20

For every five days there was a day of rest, all together 4 Cycles
On the Day11 which was the rest day after Cycle 2 ended
it was exactly middle way in training, the Midway Interval

That afternoon I was on my way out to teach art
as I walked along the road to take the MRT
I discovered a little bird laying on the gravel
looked like it just passed away, still soft with luster,
so peaceful as if asleep
when I saw it I felt soft sorrow in heart
I walked forth several steps to find myself retrack
I felt I ought to do something
so the little bird would not be fetched by wandering dogs or cats
or be run over by cars

I took out a napkin and picked the little bird up
and put it in the near by big pot of bonsai
there the little body can rest under the shade
still getting a little sunshine
able to absorb dew and be close to soil
at that moment, I felt the weight of life in my left palm
so real, beautiul and fragile
I held in my hand, this little bird's entire existence
it has died and returned to nature

For brief seconds I felt a little fear
I caught myself with surprise with this little fear
and it brought me to comtemplate on life
the meaning of living and dying
and I grew this sense of respect in face of death

I felt trembles in this light of awakening
the little bird's coming into my life, even for that little while
reminded me the value of life

to cherish what exists in the now
to respect the realness in living

This was just a little incident
yet it has set ripples in my heart
on that day, the little bird became my teacher

It has taught me a lesson: to be gentle and kind in respecting life
from the beginning, the in between, to the end

Life is but compassion and so beautiful.

The Little Bird, my teacher

23天的培訓 3/29-4/20 每五天便休息一天 all together 4 Cycles
在第11天 也就是 Cycle 2 結束隔天的休息日 剛好是培訓一半的時候 Midway Interval
那天下午 我出門去教美術課
在住家附近往捷運的路上 發現一隻小鳥躺在路邊
看起來像剛死去 仍然柔軟有光澤 安詳的好像睡著一般
when I saw it I felt soft sorrow in heart
往前走了幾步後 又折了回去
所以它不會被狗貓叼走 或被車子碾過

我拿出衛生紙 將小鳥捧起 擺放在鄰近的一個大盆栽裡面
還是可以在綠蔭下照到陽光 吸收露水 親近土壤
真實 美麗 又脆弱 在我手裡是這隻小鳥的一生
它逝去 回歸了大自然

當下我有小小的恐懼 這讓我省思生命 活著和死去的意義
and I grew this sense of respect in face of death

更加珍惜存在當下 用心看待活著的真實

這一天 小鳥是我的老師

它教了我一課: 溫柔 仁慈的尊重生命

從開始 過程 到結束
生命是如此慈悲 如此的美

Ode to Silence

Silence is a precious commodity.

Often we speak enormous amount of energy
sometimes trying to hard, in wanting to express opinions
wanting to be understood and not mistaken
perhaps wanting to persuade...even to share

do we forget to be more gentle
more respectful and allow space of quiet
quiet to settle ripples so all ease into balance and harmony
so there's no forced effort but a natural sense of serenity

when are words necessary
when is it good to conserve
to listen within self

in the film 1 Giant Leap
there was one passage that touches me deeply :

i want to know who is the person that takes care of me...
he talks when i stop talking, then i found i was only breathing
and everything begin to dissolve

only silence remains
but i have to listen
i have to listen to the silence
the deep surrender and ... that's cool.

i want to thank all who have shed light on wisdom in being silent
my true Gurus in life, the open beauty of nature, the trust in children and animal's eyes
the few but precious words that sink in deep that which speaks to my inner being
it is with great appreciation and gratitude that i walk this path with humble steps

dialogue starts within
from the soul
from the heart

breathing is the deepest truth
and i am happy to come to understand this.