2009年11月28日 星期六

becoming a sphere

more and more
i wish to soften edges and become a sphere
not necessary a very round one, but an
authentic one with natural curve is good enough
i like to remember to observe, rather than be quick to judge
have heart to inquire, rather then to impose or intrude
to learn to see situations outside of myself
rather than seeing it just from limited perception
i like to be more attentive and caring
more respectful and appreciative
and be sensitive to what i may not understand
to give and allow space to breathe and reveal truth
i like to have the ever so gentle presence to wait for the fruits

it is my deepest wish, to not forget that there is love
i am happy to find focus in my sadhana once again
i feel very blessed in light, serene, harmony
and i want to thank my inner being for being


2009年11月27日 星期五


在 變成一件很難的事
很難專注 很難不想哭

要不 勉強自己堅強
要不 踩著沈重的步
停止聆聽 停止對話

而 在了
變得舒適 坦然 充滿希望
原來的辛苦 也似卸下包袱

在 是愛
現在 我在了
love is being, being love

2009年3月23日 星期一

外面下著雨 初春的雨
已入夜 但仍不停的落下
空氣裡 有些微潮溼的分子 但並不膩或重 令人安心的氛圍

這一陣子來 極度的想要安靜 空出空間 時間
工作之外 只想空白 不用刻意安排這事那事
放輕鬆其實是不容易的 甚至是奢侈的事
在城市裡生活 要保持生活的運作就要不停的忙

往內找尋安靜 帶出輕快安穩步伐的韻律
做什麼事都可以不慌不忙一件一件來 自自然然

2009年1月24日 星期六

年 結束後開始

小年夜剛過 隨之進入了最後一日 除夕 年夜
鼠即將離去 牛穩穩的走了過來 除舊佈新
好些形容詞 都是過來了 方才了解 體會
生活就是這麼過的 累積著經驗後的種種學習
是否沈重 或是自然 都是一念之間的事

願 年之初充滿溫暖的光和宇宙的愛
願 所有生命的靈性都快樂的醒來

2008年9月30日 星期二


原來 這麼久沒讓自己好好坐下來 跟自己對話
多麼想念 渴望這安靜 但我讓自己不停的忙 放不下的忙


好想好想清靜 透徹的 輕 淨
想擺開心裡的束縛 我知道我是值得幸福的
但時間還未到吧 還是試煉的時候 還有一些揹著的包袱
如果不夠勇敢 很容易又會回到退步的原點 而我不想這樣

倘若每一天都是好好的面對 就不會累積什麼逃避的心情 人 事 物

想要乾淨的空間 在內在外
與其想著身外事 我想往內行走 往內清潔 往內釋然

with love, acceptance, forgiveness
I want to polish my light

2008年7月21日 星期一

Summary of the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra

We worship Shiva - The Three-Eyed Lord
Whose eyes are the Sun, Moon and Fire
Who is fragrant and nourishes all beings;
May he protect us from all disease, poverty and fear
And bless us with prosperity, longevity and health.

May he liberate us from death,
For the sake of immortality;
As the ripened cucumber is automatically liberated,
From its bondage from the creeper when it fully ripens.

The Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra is a prayer to Lord Shiva (part of the hindu trinity, the lord of destruction, penance and meditation) for help in overcoming "death". The seeker is more concerned with avoiding spiritual "death" rather than physical "death". The mantra is a request to Lord Shiva to lead us to the mountain of meditation, which is indeed Lord Shiva's abode. Legend has it that Lord Shiva appeared before his devotee Markandeya (who was destined to die at the age of sixteen) and stopped his aging process a few days before he was supposed to turn sixteen. Thus, death would never be able to claim him! Hence, this mantra is also referred to as the Markandeya mantra in classical hindu studies. The mantra should ideally be repeated 108 times, twice daily, at dawn and at dusk.

Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra

Om Tryambhakam Yajamahe
Sugandhim Pushtivardhanam
Urvarukamiva Bandhanan
Mrityor Mukshiya Maamritat

Meaning :
We worship the Three-eyed One (Lord Siva).
Who is fragrant and who nourishes well all beings.
May He liberate us from death for the sake of immortality,
Even as the cucumber is severed from bondage to the creeper.i.e. By your Grace, Let me be in the state of salvation (Moksha) and be saved from the clutches of fearful death.

Another Meaning:

We worship Lord Shiva the three-eyed one,
the one who is the master of all senses and qualities and the
one who is the sustainer of all growth.
May He release us from the bondage of death
as a ripened cucumber is released from its stalk
and may He grant us immortality.
(not deprive us of immortality).

Significance of Mrityunjaya Mantra

The Maha Mrityunjay is a mantra that is said to rejuvenate, bestow health, wealth, a long life, peace, propsperity and contentment. The Mantra is a centuries old technique of connecting one to pure consciousness and bliss.

The prayer is addressed to LORD SHIVA. By chanting this Mantra, Divine vibrations are generated which ward off all the negative and evil forces and create a powerful protective shield. And it is said to protect the one who chants against accidents and misfortunes of every kind. It is a vibration that pulsates through every cell, every molecule of our body and tears away the veil of ignorance. It ignites a fire within us that consumes all our negativity and purifies our entire system. It is also said to have a powerful healing of diseases declared uncurable even by the doctors. It is a Mantra to conquer death and connects us to our own inner divinity.

Known as the Moksha Mantra of Lord Shiva, Maha Mrityunjay evokes the Shiva within and removes the fear of death, liberating one from the cycle of death and rebirth.

The Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra is very much a protector from accidents, mishaps and daily calamities in the modern busy life.

When to chant :

Chanting the Maha Mrityunjay Mantra with sincerity, faith and devotion in Bramha Muhurata is very beneficial. But one can also chant it anytime in a pure environment with great benefit and discover the happiness that's already within.

This Maha Mirityunyaya Mantra is a life giving mantra. It is a mantra to keep us safe from harm, safely in the arms of the Lord. It has a great curative effect, against diseases of body and mind, if it is chanted with sincerity, faith and devotion. In these days, when life is very complex and accidents are an everyday affair, this holy Mantra comes to your rescue. It wards off death by snake-bits, lightning, water accidents, motor accidents, air accidents, and accidents of all kinds. Besides, It has a great curative power. Diseases that are pronounced incurable by doctors are cured by this Mantra, when chanted with sincerity, faith and devotion. It is a Mantra too conquer death.

It is also a Moksha-Mantra. It is Lord Shiva� mantra. It bestows health (Arogya), long life (Durgha Ayus), peace (Shanti), wealth (Aishwarya), prosperity (Rishti), satisfaction (Tushti) and immortality (Moksha).

On your birthday, repeat this Mantra with faith. It will bestow long life. You may repeat also at bed-side of alling persons.

To chant with the mantra or to have it playing in the background can be helpful in everyway as we allow its influence to permeate our consciousness


It is important to understand the meaning of the words as this makes the repetition meaningful and brings forth the results.

OM is not spelt out in the Rig-Veda, but has to be added to the beginning of all Mantras as given in an earlier Mantra of the Rig-Veda addressed to Ganapati. This Mantra is given in the Prayer page of my Book "Maharishi Jaimini's Upadesa Sutra".

TRYAMBAKKAM refers to the Three eyes of Lord Shiva. 'Trya' means 'Three' and 'Ambakam' means eyes. These three eyes or sources of enlightenment are the Trimurti or three primary deities, namely Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva and the three 'AMBA' (also meaning Mother or Shakti' are Saraswati, Lakshmi and Gouri. Thus in this word, we are referring to God as Omniscient (Brahma), Omnipresent (Vishnu) and Omnipotent (Shiva). This is the wisdom of Brihaspati and is referred to as Sri Duttatreya having three heads of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.

YAJAMAHE means, "We sing Thy praise".

SUGANDHIM refers to His fragrance (of knowledge, presence and strength i.e. three aspects) as being the best and always spreading around. Fragrance refers to the joy that we get on knowing, seeing or feeling His virtuous deeds.

PUSTIVARDHANAM: Pooshan refers to Him as the sustainer of this world and in this manner, He is the Father (Pater) of all. Pooshan is also the inner impeller of all knowledge and is thus Savitur or the Sun and also symbolizes Brahma the Omniscient Creator. In this manner He is also the Father (Genitor) of all.

URVAAROKAMEVA: 'URVA' means "VISHAL" or big and powerful or deadly. 'AAROOKAM' means 'Disease'. Thus URVAROOKA means deadly and overpowering diseases. (The CUCUMBER interpretation given in various places is also correct for the word URVAROOKAM, but not apt for this mantra). The diseases are also of three kinds caused by the influence (in the negative) of the three Guna's and are ignorance (Avidya etc), falsehood (Asat etc as even though Vishnu is everywhere, we fail to perceive Him and are guided by our sight and other senses) and weaknesses (Shadripu etc. a constraint of this physical body and Shiva is all powerful).

BANDANAAM means bound down. Thus read with URVAROOKAMEVA, it means 'I am bound down by deadly and overpowering diseases'.

MRITYORMOOKSHEYA means to deliver us from death (both premature death in this Physical world and from the neverending cycle of deaths due to re-birth) for the sake of Mokshya (Nirvana or final emancipation from re-birth).

MAAMRITAAT means 'please give me some Amritam (life rejuvinating nectar). Read with the previous word, it means that we are praying for some 'Amrit' to get out of the death inflicting diseases as well as the cycle of re-birth.